This survey closed on October 19, 2023. View Survey Results »

A mechanism for holding HTML that is not to be rendered immediately but may be utilized later via JS.

<template id="counter">
	<div class="counter">Clicked {{ times }} times</div>
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Using custom elements, that you or someone else defined.

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Defining custom elements for use by others.

class MyElement extends HTMLElement { … }
customElements.define("my-element", MyElement);
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Allow multiple custom element definitions for a single tag name to exist within a page.

const registry = new CustomElementRegistry();
registry.define('sub-element', SubElement);
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Encapsulate elements not visible from the outside, and style them with CSS not affecting the rest of the page.

this.shadowRoot = this.attachShadow({mode: "open"});
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Define shadow trees with HTML.

    <template shadowrootmode="open">
        <!-- Shadow content -->
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slot="slot_name" attribute

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A way to assign elements to slots manually via JS, so that slot assignment does not have to be managed by the component consumers.

this.attachShadow({mode: "open", slotAssignment: "manual" });
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Assign hidden semantics to custom elements, facilitating accessibility and allowing them to participate fully in forms.

this.#internals = this.attachInternals()
this.#internals.ariaChecked = true;
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A cacheable representation of a part of the DOM that can be updated performantly.

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Import HTML files via JS imports and access their elements and JS exports.

<script type="module">
	import { TabList } from "./tablist.html" with { type: 'html' };
	customElements.define("tab-list", TabList);
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Using Web Components that you or others have made. Missing features, browser incompatibilities, etc.

What prevents you from creating the amazing components you envision? Missing features, browser incompatibilities, etc.