This survey closed on October 19, 2023. View Survey Results »

For dialog boxes or other interactive components, such as a dismissible alerts, or subwindows.

<dialog id="confirm">
	<form method="dialog">
		Are you sure?
		<button value="1">Yes</button>
		<button value="0">No</button>
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A disclosure widget that can be toggled to hide or show content interactively.

    Longer content
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Group <details> elements so that only up to one in the group can be open at a time.

<details open name="sidebar_panel" id="main_info">
	<summary>Main info</summary>
	<!-- controls -->
<details name="sidebar_panel" id="style_settings">
	<!-- controls -->
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HTML syntax and JS API facilitating popovers such as overlays, popups, menus etc.

<button popovertarget="foo">Toggle the popover</button>
<div id="foo" popover>Popover content</div>
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Attribute to make an element and its descendants non-interactive, and invisible to assistive technology.

<div id=app inert class=loading>
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Browser incompatibilities or lack of support, missing features, and other problems you face around interactive elements and behaviors (except forms), DOM manipulation, events, and related APIs.