React 一经问世,就很显然地将成为 Web 开发中的重要组成部分。
毕竟,React 被用于构建 Facebook,尽管它引入了一种奇怪的 "JSX" 语法,但开发者们迅速采用了它。更令人印象深刻的是,React 社区在重大变化如函数组件和 hooks 方面保持了连续性。
但现在已经过去了 10 年,新推出的 React Server Components 承诺将成为自......嗯,自 React 本身以来最大的变革!
社区还会再跟进吗?还是开发者们会换到 Svelte、Solid 或其他框架?
让我们一起通过首次 "React 现状" 调查来找出答案!
- How long will answering the survey take?
- Depending on how many questions you answer (all questions are optional), filling out the survey should take around 15-20 minutes.
- Who should take this survey?
- This is an open survey for anybody who uses React, whether regularly or occasionally, as part of their job, as a student, or just for fun!
- What are the survey's goals?
- The survey's goals are to measure awareness and popularity of React APIs, as well as libraries in the React ecosystem.
- How will this data be used?
- All data collected will be released openly for anybody to consult. Developers or companies may use it to prioritize focus areas and inform their roadmaps.
- When will the results be released?
- The survey will run from October 27 to November 15, and the survey results will be released shortly after that.
- 谁负责这些调查?
- 调查主要由我进行与贡献者、翻译人员和志愿者合作。
- How was this survey designed?
- The survey was designed with input from the community through an open feedback thread.
- Where can I learn more?
- You can learn more about this survey in our announcement post.