问卷调查会持续到 September 12, 2024 为止。

State of CSS 2024

It's amazing to witness the speed at which CSS keeps evolving. While the past decade has been all about building a solid foundation for layout (Flexbox, Grid) and syntax (variables) the future promises to be about going much further than most of us ever dreamed of.

Want to calculate a square root or cosine in your CSS? Use that to build scroll-triggered animations? And maybe scope all of it down so it doesn't have any unwanted effects? Now you can do all that, and much more!

Which is why this survey is more important than ever, not just as a way to keep track of your own progress; but also as a tool to let browser vendors know what we all think about this new direction.

So once again, please join me for this year's State of CSS!



How long will answering the survey take?
Depending on how many questions you answer (all questions can be skipped), filling out the survey should take around 15-20 minutes.
这是一项公开调查,适用于任何写 CSS 的人,无论是作为工作中的常规任务,作为学生,或者只是图一乐!

收集的所有数据都将公开发布,供任何开发者或公司参考。 浏览器厂商也会利用这些数据来优先考虑重点领域并制定其路线图。

When will the results be released?
The survey will run from August 17 to September 7, 2024, and the survey results will be released shortly after.
How was this survey designed?
This survey was designed as the results of an open design process involving browser vendors and the web development community.
Where can I learn more?
You can learn more about this survey in our announcement post.


Google Chrome
Frontend Masters