This survey closed on December 10, 2024. Посмотреть результаты опроса »

State of JavaScript 2024

While we were busy trying to figure out which front-end library to bet on next, JavaScript itself has been going through an evolution of its own.

New TC39 proposals are making waves in the community, while others are already on the verge of being implemented in browsers everywhere. And TypeScript's popularity is making the prospect of native type support at some point in the future an actual possibility.

One thing's for certain – while the JavaScript of 2024 still feels familiar, there's no guarantee that we'll be able to say the same about the language we write five years from now.

Until then, you can help chart our path by taking this year's State of JavaScript survey!


Ответы на часто задаваемые вопросы

How long will answering the survey take?
Depending on how many questions you answer (all questions can be skipped), filling out the survey should take around 15-20 minutes.
Who should take this survey?
This is an open survey for anybody who uses JavaScript (or TypeScript), whether regularly or occasionally, as part of their job, as a student, or just for fun!
What are the survey's goals?
The survey's goals are to measure awareness and popularity of JavaScript features and libraries in order to anticipate future trends.
How will this data be used?
All data collected will be released publicly. It will then become a resources both for developers, who consult it to inform their technological choices, and browser vendors, who use it to prioritize focus areas and inform their roadmaps.
When will the results be released?
The survey will run from November 13 to December 10, 2024, and the survey results will be released shortly after.
Кто занимается организацией опросов?
Опросы проводятся командой Devographics в сотрудничестве с добровольцами и переводчиками.
How was this survey designed?
This survey was designed as the results of an open design process involving browser vendors and the web development community.

При поддержке

Google Chrome
Frontend Masters