このアンケートは December 12, 2023 に終了しました。 アンケートの結果を見る »

State of JavaScript 2023

JavaScript started its life as a browser language, and then went to on conquer the server with Node.js.

And it 2023, it seems like the ecosystem as a whole might finally be ready to try and bridge that gap. Between features like React Server Components, frameworks like Solid and Qwik, or meta-frameworks like Next.js and Sveltekit, providing a better way of serving code and data to clients has become JavaScript's next big goal.

Or should we say TypeScript? At this point it's become hard to disentangle the two, so let's not even try.

Instead, take the survey and help us figure out what's new, what's old, and what async/awaits us in the years to come!



How long will answering the survey take?
Depending on how many questions you answer (all questions are optional), filling out the survey should take around 15-20 minutes.
Who should take this survey?
This is an open survey for anybody who uses JavaScript (or TypeScript), whether regularly or occasionally, as part of their job, as a student, or just for fun!
What are the survey's goals?
The survey's goals are to measure awareness and popularity of JavaScript features and libraries in order to anticipate future trends.
How will this data be used?
All data collected will be released openly for anybody to consult. Developers or companies may use it to prioritize focus areas and inform their roadmaps.
When will the results be released?
The survey will run from November 22 to December 12, and the survey results will be released shortly after that.
How was this survey designed?
The survey was designed with input from the community through an open feedback thread.
Where can I learn more?
You can learn more about this survey in our announcement post.

With Support From

Google Chrome
Frontend Masters