This survey closed on December 1, 2022. Ver los resultados de la encuesta

State of JavaScript 2022

For the first time in a while, it feels like the status quo of the JavaScript ecosystem is being questioned.

Faster bundling with Vite, island architecture with Astro, resumability with Qwik… New entrants are challenging the old guard, and the result is a lot more excitement, but also a lot more uncertainty.

So once more, let's try and figure out together where JavaScript is going, in 2022 and beyond.


Preguntas frecuentes

How will this data be used?
All data collected will be released publicly. It will then become a resources both for developers, who consult it to inform their technological choices, and browser vendors, who use it to prioritize focus areas and inform their roadmaps.
When will the results be released?
The survey will run until December 15, 2022, and the survey results will be released shortly afterwards.
¿Quién realiza estas encuestas?
Las encuestas las gestiono yo con ayuda de otros miembros del equipo, traductores y voluntarios.
¿Es necesario responder a todas las preguntas?
No. Todas las preguntas de la encuesta son opcionales y se pueden omitir libremente.
Where can I learn more?
You can learn more about last year's survey here.

Con el apoyo de

Frontend Masters
Google Chrome