This survey closed on October 19, 2023. View Survey Results »

State of HTML 2023

While web developers tend to focus on JavaScript and CSS, none of what we do would be possible without HTML acting as the foundation.

It has long seemed like HTML wasn't evolving, but things may be changing. New elements like <selectlist> are on the horizon, cool new features like popovers, and a swath of related browser APIs (Web Components, PWAs, etc.).

This year, Lea Verou took on the formidable task of leading the design of this brand new survey, from content to UX and beyond.

Building on the success of State of JS and State of CSS, we introduce State of HTML; the last missing piece that completes the trilogy, so we can track the evolution of the web platform as a whole.

Benefits to you:

  • Survey results are used by browsers and standards groups for roadmap prioritization. Your responses can help get features you care about implemented, browser incompatibilities being prioritized, and gaps in the platform being addressed.
  • Learn about new and upcoming features; add features to your reading list and get a list of resources at the end!
  • Get a personalized knowledge score and see how you compare to other respondents

The survey will be open for 3 weeks, but responses entered within the first 9 days (until October 1st) will have a much higher impact on the Web, as preliminary data will be used for certain prioritization efforts that have deadlines before then.



How long will answering the survey take?
Depending on how many questions you answer (all questions are optional), filling out the survey should take around 15-20 minutes.
Who should take this survey?
This is an open survey for anybody who makes websites or web apps, whether regularly or occasionally, as part of their job, as a student, or just for fun!
What are the survey's goals?
The survey's goals are to measure awareness of new HTML features and browser APIs, and help developers keep track of how their usage is evolving.
How will this data be used?
All data collected will be released openly for any developer or company to consult. Browser vendors also use this data to prioritize focus areas and inform their roadmaps.
When will the results be released?
The survey will run from September 19 to October 16, and the survey results will be released shortly after that.
Who runs this survey?
This survey is run by Devographics together with a collective of contributors, translators, and volunteers.
How was this survey designed?
The survey was designed by Lea Verou, with input from browser vendors as well as groups such as the WebDX Community Group.
Where can I learn more?
You can learn more about this survey in our announcement post.


Special thanks to the following people for helping us design the survey.

With Support From

Google Chrome
Frontend Masters